Over whelming Teacher – Pupil ratio
Uganda as a country introduced Universal Primary Education (UPE) in 1997 by a political commitment by His Excellence President Museveni as a main policy tool for achieving poverty reduction by providing facilities & resources to enable every child to enter and remain in school until the primary cycle of education is complete; making education equitable in order to eliminate disparities & inequalities; ensuring that education is affordable by the majority of Ugandans & reducing poverty by equipping every individual with basic skills.Under the UPE Program, the government of Uganda abolished all tuition fees. Following its introduction, gross enrollment in Primary school increased from 3.1 million in 1996 to 7.6 million in 2003. This is despite the fact that Primary Education was not made compulsory or entirely free since parents were still expected to contribute Pens, Exercise books, clothing/Uniforms, Breakfast, Lunch, & even bricks & labor for classroom construction through community work. However, the government realized that parents were not willing to contribute large amounts of bricks & labor because of many other demands on their time.